Welcome to the Maidenhead District Centenary Camp 2007 website please use the links on the left to navigate around the website, hyperlinks are highlighted in red (visited links in grey). To report a problem please click here.

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Maidenhead and District Scouts organised a Special Camp for all the members of the Scout and Guide movement in Maidenhead to take part in.

The object of the camp was to bring all members of the Maidenhead Scout and Guide Movements together to celebrate the Centenary of the founding of the Scout Movement in 1907, by Lord Baden-Powell. During the camp there was a full programme of activities and events designed for all age groups to participate.

Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Explorers, Rangers, Networks and Leaders from all Groups in Maidenhead, camped for the weekend. Rainbows, Beavers and Brownies were day visitors, either on the Saturday or Sunday of the camp.

The date for the camp was – Friday 25th May to Monday 28th May 2007   (Summer Term, half Term).

The cost of the camp for those camping was £40, per youngster. The cost to Rainbows, Beavers & Brownies was £8.

We camped at Marsh Meadow in Cookham.  The Site is between Cookham Moor and the River Thames. Thank you goes to Mr Geoff Copas for allowing us to camp on his land.

Web design and graphical arrangement © Jon Corbitt 2006 ( Jon Corbitt Affordable Web Design)Web Editor Simon Wheeler